There are 3 basic features of how to write a master's dissertation that are considered before putting the pen to paper.
1. Selecting The Right Topic
Students must always choose a topic that interests them. But their study must also address the issues that will make a major contribution in the academic as well as professional field of their area.
2. Targeting The Key Areas of Dissertation Writing
A coherent structure of the master’s dissertation covers 5 major sections
i. Introduction
A theoretical definition of key constructs and the framework in which they will be used are discussed in this chapter.
ii. Literature Review
Use past studies to build a strong background and a better understanding of your topic. It will indicate the historical significance of the topic and will provide substantial backing to the study.

This chapter encompasses the research method and research design. You need to give details of how will you carry out your research and what methods will you apply to find the data. It also provides the comparison and justification of the chosen research method.
iv. Findings and Analysis
It discusses the results and evaluates the trends from those results. This section gives convincing evidence of what has been found through the research.
v. Conclusion
The last chapter of the dissertation gives the practical implications of the results. It shows the way the data should be used to resolve the issues related to the subject area.
3. Preparing The Final Draft
The final draft must contain the following 12 headings to complete an articulate master’s dissertation
S.No. Headings Description
i. Title page Mention the topic undersigned by you
ii. Abstract an overview or short summary of the whole research
iii. Table of contents a list of chapters of the research paper
iv. Introduction Definition of key terms and their usage
v. Literature review a reference to earlier research
vi. Methodology the approach and design of the research
vii. Results of the findings of the research
viii. Analysis The evaluation of the result
ix. Conclusion Making recommendations for the steps that must be taken
x. References A list of sources used in the research
This article is a complete guideline for master’s dissertation writing that if properly done will help you in achieving your master's.